You agree that StarLoans may search for information about you with credit reference agencies who will record details of the search. If your secured loan is completed, details of how you conduct your account (including details of any default) may be disclosed to the agencies. Any information provided to StarLoans or others may be used for making credit decisions regarding you, members of your household or others to whom you are linked financially.

Information may also be used for debt tracing, fraud prevention and the prevention of money laundering. If you are making a joint application for a secured loan in the absence of the other party or if you state a financial association with another person, you are declaring that you are entitled to disclose information about him or her and you authorise StarLoans to search, link and record information about you and anyone referred to by you, with credit reference agencies.

This secured loan application may be assessed with reference to records of other people with whom you are linked financially. You have a right to be told which credit reference agencies StarLoans has used and a right to obtain a copy of your credit file.

StarLoans is also a credit broker. If your loan application is passed to a lender or lenders, the information you have supplied on the loan application will be checked with data held by credit reference agencies. Every time a search is made it is recorded by the agency and disclosed to other organisations on any later searches. Lenders will use the information obtained in the credit reference search to help them assess the application and they may use the result of any search in a credit scoring system.

Any other credit broker to whom the information is passed may use it in the same way.